ENT Master CME: Rhinitis : Intervention for the inflamed nose


Rhinosinusitis is a common illness, presenting clinically with signs and symptoms caused by concurrent inflammation of the nose and contiguous paranasal sinuses and accounts for up to 5% of office visits. There is still much confusion between patients and physicians about the causes and symptoms that constitute rhinosinusitis and within the medical field about how to treat the different subgroups. Until recently, most studies of rhinosinusitis relied on patient symptom responses, and because of the confusion regarding causes, symptoms, and
treatment, these results are of ten dif ficult to interpret. Without standard protocols, treatment of this varied disorder can be inconsistent between providers and among similar symptom groups. This course provides an updated practical guideline for the physicians concerning key aspects on diagnosis and the various medical as well as surgical modalities for rhinosinusitis.


At the end of this CME activity, the participant will be able to:
1. Evaluate a patient presenting with complaints of rhinosinusitis
2. Implement appropriate therapeutic modalities to the patient
3. Update on the current advances in the diagnosis and management of rhinosinusitis
4. Explain the role of surgical management for patients with rhinosinusitis
5. Describe the complications of rhinosinusitis

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