Gynecology Master CME: A Primary Care Approach to Infertility


Infertility, typically defined as the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after repeated intercourse without contraception for 1 year, is a major growing concern among couples causing tremendous emotional stress. Also, failure by either party to “fulfill their end of the bargain” can be devastating, humiliating, and emotionally destructive. The continuing taboo against discussing the subject of infertility compounds these reactions. Thus it becomes pivotal for a gynecologist to apply a proper clinical approach to a couple presenting with infertility. This module analyzes the principles of human infertility, from the definition to an indepth study of the different causes of both male and female infertility. It also discusses the different approaches to the management of infertility including ART.


After successfully completing this CME course, the participant should be able to:
• Assess the likely reason for infertility based on specific information provided for a given infertile couple.
• Develop a plan for counseling a patient based on a patient’s specific characteristics and desires.
• Design a treatment plan for the infertile patient with underlying cause.
• Distinguish among the different methods of assisted reproductive technologies.

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