Diabetes & Endocrinology Master CME: Module I: T2DM: Current treatment modalities and the causes of failure of therapy


In last decade there has been a tremendous development in our understanding in pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) thereby a rapid expansion of the treatment options for this multifaceted condition are available. With even further advances the pendulum swings- between attention to insulin secretion and to insulin resistance-so the treatment modalities further advances. The recognition of the role of insulin resistance as an etiologic factor in T2DM suggests use of complementary approaches to augment the insulin supply in the effort to restore normal glycaemia. In the present module of two part series, the participant is likely to gain an insight about multiple defects in T2DM, role of postprandial hyperglycaemia.


At the end of this program the participant will be able to understand:
• The multiple defects in type 2 diabetes
• The role of incretin hormones in type 2 diabetes
• Failure of present oral hypoglycaemic drugs in achieving target goals

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