Diabetes & Endocrinology Master CME: Module II: Updated approaches in the management of T2DM with Vildagliptin


This is the second module in the series where in a new paradigm has been proposed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). This new treatment strategy is based on the initial HbA and the ability of drugs to lower HbA levels, in order to speed up the 1C 1C process of getting patients to achieve adequate glycaemia. The new drug classes include GLP-1 analogues-DPP-IV inhibitors, which increase the availability of endogenous GLP-1. Vildagliptin is a member of this new class of oral antidiabetogenic agents. Through this module the participant will add to his knowledge about DPP-IV inhibitor-vildagliptin, its mechanism of action, clinical efficacy data and dosing.


At the end of this program the participant will be able to understand:
• The role of DPP-IV inhibitors in managing T2DM
• The efficacy of vildagliptin through various clinical trials in T2DM treatment

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