Diabetes & Endocrinology Master CME: Module I: Managing Type II Diabetes: An Overview


Type II diabetes is the commonest form of diabetes constituting 90% of the diabetic population. The global prevalence of diabetes is estimated to increase. from 4% in 1995 to 5.4% by the year 2025. Type II diabetics are prone to a wide and devastating range of complications, which are responsible for a diminished quality of life and shortened life expectancy. The burden of diabetes management and care in patients with Type II diabetes is borne by the physicians. Management relies on providing evidence based aggressive interventions that would effectively achieve optimal glycemic control as well as delay and reduce the onset of complications. Advances in the treatment of Type II diabetes have generated considerable enthusiasm regarding the choice between mono- or combination therapy, to optimize glycemic control. Through this module, the physician will be able to learn the basics of Type II diabetes along with an overview of the current therapies which helps the physician to adapt the best treatment option for their patients.


• Describe the progressive nature of Type II diabetes and its impact on the vascular system
• Review the diagnostic criteria
• Enumerate the goals in the management and prevention of Type II diabetes
• Elaborate therapeutic alternatives for Type II diabetes

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