Diabetes & Endocrinology Master CME: Module II: Metformin: A Clinical Update


Treating Type 2 diabetes remains challenging, despite the availability of effective therapies. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. As such, agents that target insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance may be especially useful early in the disease process. Metformin, an oral biguanide, ameliorates hyperglycemia by improving peripheral sensitivity to insulin and reducing gastrointestinal glucose absorption and hepatic glucose production. Unlike sulfonylureas, it does not stimulate insulin secretion, aggravate hyperinsulinemia. or cause hypoglycemia or weight gain. It also has beneficial effects on various other indications. Combination therapy with metformin may obviate or substantially delay insulin therapy, This module will elaborate on the clinical pharmacology of metformin and focus on its efficacy and benefits in treating patients with Type 2 diabetes.


• Explain the role of metformin in the management of Type 2 diabetes
• Enumerate efficacy data of metformin as mono- and combination therapy
• Review the need for sustained release formulation of metformin
• Assess the efficacy of metformin in indications other than diabetes

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