Pulmonary Medicine Master CME: Clinical Strategies for Asthma Management


Asthma is a chronic. heterogeneous, inflammatory disease due to bronchospasm of the airways. By 2025, the world’s urban population is projected to increase from 45% to 59%. Hence there is likely to be a marked increase in the number of asthmatics worldwide over the next two decades.

The diagnosis of asthma is usually done by a careful history and management of lung function by pulmonary function tests (PFl). Asthma treatment plan should be tailor-made and conscious efforts should be made to impart asthma education, to ensure compliance with treatment prescribed and encourage patients for monitoring asthma with regular follow-ups.

The present knowledge in understanding the immuno-pathogenesis of asthma has resulted in advanced pharmacotherapeutic interventions which have become available for the treatment of this disease.


After successfully completing this CME course, the participant should be able to:
• Discuss the recent trends in epidemiology and understand the pathophysiology of asthma
• Emphasize the need to control asthma symptoms and exacerbations
• Describe treatment plans that provide greater control of asthma symptoms
• Explain the role of systemic corticocorticoids in clinical management of asthma based on treatment guidelines

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