Gastroenterology Master CME: An approach to patient with GERD


Although population-based data on GERD lacks in India, recent publications show that the prevalence in an urban adult population is 16.2% which is similar to other industrialized countries. Higher body mass index, current smoking, and presence of asthma or hypertension predisposes to GERD in our population.GERD impacts various patients – children, pregnant and obese being more common. Patients with GERD generally report decrease in productivity, quality of life and overall well-being. For obvious reasons of development of adenocacinoma, these patients need to be correctly evaluated. A well-taken history is must for diagnosis of GERD. The diagnosis complicates in case of extraesophageal manifestations, and this module attempts to address the co-morbidities and differential diagnosis.


At the end of this activity the participant is likely to understand:
• Various clinical presentations in GERD, GERD in children, GERD in pregnancy, GERD in obesity
• Quality of life issues in GERD
• Diagnostic parameters utilized in practice

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