Gastroenterology Master CME: Basic facts to ponder: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorders


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorders (GERD), one of the most common gastrointestinal disease, has a tendency to be chronic and relapses quite often. It carries a risk of significant morbidity and potential mortality from resultant complications. Many patients tend to self diagnose, self treat and do not actually know when to seek medical attention. Classical symptoms of GERD like burning in the chest, with sour or bitter taste, and acid regurgitation have been shown to correctly identify GERD with a sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 94%.Through this module various clinical type, presentations, role of H. pylori, relevant co-morbidities, and complications of GERD has been emphasized.


At the end of this activity the participant is likely to understand:
• Basic pathophysiology of GERD
• Role of H.pylori in GERD
• Clinical presentations common and rare in GERD
• Co-morbidities in GERD

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