Pediatrics Case Study: Acute gastroenteritis in a 2 year old male child

Presenting complaints

A 2 year old male was brought to the pediatric outpatient department with a 24hours history of diarrhea and intermittent vomiting with fever. According to the mother the child was passing stools 8 -10 times a day, which was watery without a foul smell, blood or mucus. The child had started vomiting only since the previous evening. He was vomiting episodically and the vomitus mostly contained ingested food material. Fever was high grade and used to come down with antipyretic. Urine output was normal.

The child was able to take feeds orally but not to his normal capacity. Since both the parents were working he was kept in a daycare center and recently one of the children there had a diarrheal episode.

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